Getting started with Tezos!

To get started with Tezos, sign up to a reputable crypto currency exchange: Kraken referral link and buy some XTZ.

Take custody of your crypto by withdrawing your Tezos from the exchange to a wallet like Umami where you control the private keys. Delegate to our baker to start earning 4.85% p.a..

To take control of your tez in your own wallet, get:

Umami wallet

Once you've stored the recovery phrase safely, copy the tz address from Umami and withdraw XTZ from Kraken to send it to your Umami wallet.

If you think you may bake it's a good idea to get a dedicated device: Ledger Nano S Plus

Staking instructions:

Ledger Nano S Plus Plug Ledger Nano into your computer and open Umami wallet.

In the Accounts tab, click "Management View", then "Create or Import Secret", then "Connect Ledger".

Verify your accounts, make sure they have some Tezos in their balance, then click the "Delegate" button.

Choose tz1NEKxGEHsFufk87CVZcrqWu8o22qh46GK6 as the baker.

After delegation, rewards will start arriving in 24 days.

Check your upcoming rewards by pasting your tz address into

If you only have a Trezor T use the Briskett app. Briskett (Desktop, Trezor T only)